07 July 2011

Seagull wine

"Not something you're likely to find down your local Brakespeares, seagull wine is an invention of Inuits in desperate need of a drink during those cold Arctic nights. Simply stuff a dead seagull (in bits, or whole) into a bottle of water and leave in the sun. "

Photo and text from the Telegraph.  


  1. Pretty sure this is an urban (rural?) legend. While the definition of fermenting simply means breaking organic compounds down into simpler ones, every single ref I find on creating alcohol via fermentation starts with plant material. Animal fermenting wouldn't result in alcohol. Willing to be proven wrong...

  2. Here's a post from someone who claims to have tried it: Suzanne Donohue on Associated Content.com

  3. Seems like kind of a racist urban legend, considering what alcohol has done to Inuit/Aleut/First Nations/Native American communities.

  4. Charlie Papazian's Complete Joy of Homebrewing has an old recipe for beer made with rooster (feathers and all). Think it's just an adjunct in that recipe but still a fun read.

  5. stuffing a large seabird into a bottle...not really possible, when I think about it. A very very large jar maybe, but not even a quart sealer would take a gull. they are not small birds. So even on that level, i'm calling hoax =-)

  6. http://www.freakingnews.com/Seagulls-in-the-Bottle-Pictures-70570.asp

