Thorn treehoppers
Umbonia crassicornis is a common and widespread member of the family Membracidae, and one of numerous species colloquially referred to as thorn bugs... This is a variable species as to size, color and structure, particularly the pronotal horn of males (which is more angled posteriorly than the females’ and often somewhat expanded apically). This tall, essentially perpendicular thorn-like pronotum discourages birds and other predators from eating it, if only by mistakenly confusing it with a thorn... The range of this species is from Northern South America all the way to Mexico and Florida.
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Animals, Animals, Animals.
Did you see this article from a couple weeks ago?
ReplyDeleteApparently the horns and helmets on membracidae are actually an extra set of wings.
I visit that site once a week, but missed that article. Tx.