28 May 2011

Not that long ago...

Things like this were happening when I was a child. 

Via Reddit, where note is made of how people were thinner then (and protest signs had proper spelling.  And better fonts...)


  1. I'm not sure when this pic was taken, but that is a 48 star flag. Maybe they couldn't afford the newer flag.

  2. Little Rock integration protest, 1957.

  3. Via Reddit, where note is made of how people were thinner then (and protest signs had proper spelling. And better fonts..

    One could easily draw a racist connotation from that comment


  4. Yeah, people were thinner then because of malnutrition. The South had Kwashiorkor. Not until Lyndon Johnson's Great Society program did that become a thing of the past.

    Altho, I suspect it's back because of all the cut-backs to safety net programs.

  5. These people don't look malnourished to me; my estimation of BMI would be 19 or 20.

  6. Thinner, yes, but also noticeably uglier.

  7. They were right. Turn on a TV lately? Live in America? Are you blind?

  8. Pictures like these have a place in textbooks right next to ones where people are opposing gay marriage.

  9. This actually gives me hope that the problems we're having now will be resolved more quickly than I had thought...you know, not at all.

  10. Aw, the democrats at their finest.
