26 May 2011

Clash of cultures

Via Reddit, where there is a discussion thread.


  1. Its funny except for the relativism. The problem with the burqa is not when a woman chooses to wear one. It is when a woman doesn't have the choice not to wear one. Presumably, the woman on the left could don a full body covering or a snappy business suit. Of course, it could be that the woman on the right has a choice and just chooses to wear the burqa but often times that choice isn't really available.

  2. You are actually presupposing a liberal, post-enlightement view of both freedom and subjectivity. I am not an apologist for Islam or its pious followers, although I do spend all of my time in school studying it. If you want to read a scathing critique of this type of reasoning read The Politics of Piety by Saba Mahmood, The Ethical Soundscape by Charles Hirschkind, Formations of the Secular by Talal Asad, Sources of the Self by Charles Taylor, Why I am not a Secularist by William E. Connolly... Thogh provocative theory that is well argued and perceptive.

  3. Except that the bikini girl has the option to dress as she pleases.

  4. Ridiculous comparison.

  5. What a great picture. Yes, I know the girl in the bikini didn't have to wear that, but our society does put pressure on women to dress like that or to look like supermodels. What a great comparrison
