27 March 2011

" It's Showtime! "

Via Panjiba, where you can view a list of the movies in the mashup.  Does anyone know where the phrase was first used in movies or in literature?  Which of these movies is the oldest? I would guess maybe Blazing Saddles?


  1. Surprised you'd ask about when the first usage of "It's showtime" occurred. With all the talk you do about the OED and word origins, the first place I'd check is "showtime" in the OED. Just sayin'. :)

  2. Well, maybe he did. I just did an OED online search, and there's no entry.

  3. Sometimes when I ask a question, it's because I'm too lazy to look for the answer. :)

    But I just checked. It's not in my edition of the OED or in its supplement. Or in my Random House Dictionary.

  4. Damn! I was banking on you getting the answer from the OED, because now I want to know too!

  5. Don't know precisely, but I imagine Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney were involved...
