18 January 2011

DaVinci would be soooo jealous...

Is there a name for this type of craft?  The rigid structure makes it look different from the usual hang glider.

Addendum:  Several reades have identified this as a Aeriane Swift'Light hang glider.

Via BoingBoing and Roger Ebert (note the background photo).


  1. It's a Millennium Rigid Wing hang glider with cockpit.

  2. Could also be an Aeriane Swift Lite.


  3. That looks a bit like a gooney bird takeoff.

  4. It does, indeed. Probably based on the same aerodynamic principles.

  5. The anonymous poster is correct: it is an Aeriane Swift Lite. Identified by the marking on the winglet, there is a good picture on this page on the Ariene web page, which shows a good view. In a bad image, the two rigid-wing hang gliders can look pretty similar. Hence, my error.

    Many hands make light work; Many minds find correct answers!

  6. Just a little more homework, the two aircraft are actually one in the same. The difference being, the Bright Star Millennium is a newer model and the Swift is licensed by Bright Star Gliders to Aeriane to be built in Europe.

    The glider featured in the video is the Aeriane version.

  7. Thanks for the clarification. I've fixed the post.
