19 December 2010

Tarred and feathered

John Meintz, punished during World War I -- tarred and feathered for not supporting war bond drives, ca. 1917 - ca. 1918 (NARA)

One presumes that he was of German ancestry and was expressing his opposition to the war, or at least reluctant to support American involvement.

Found at Pingnews, via A London Salmagundi.


  1. Remember folks, you aren't free until you can tar and feather someone for not agreeing with you.

  2. I can't even begin to imagine how much this would hurt. I once had the misfortune to have some liquid asphalt splash on my foot, and it hurt more than just about anything else I've ever experienced. The burns alone would be serious enough, but apparently if the tar was spread over too much of the body it could even cause death. Nice!
