31 December 2010

Sweden's ancient history

Top to bottom:
Rune stone, Herstadberg, Östergötland, Sweden. Three girls beside a rune stone (Ög 46) in Herrstaberg. The inscription says: "Vibern raised this stone in memory of Solva, his brother."

Uppsala Mounds, Gamla Uppsala (Old Uppsala), Uppland, Sweden. Excavation in 1874 of one of Uppsala Mounds - the Western Mound. A shaft was dug down to the bottom of the mound and a burnt burial site was uncovered. The three burial mounds, dated to ca. 475-550 AD, are also called the Kings' Mounds.

One of two dolmens, Snarringe, Skåne, Sweden. Man beside one of two dolmens at Snarringe hamlet. It could be from about 3500 BC.
These and many more photos of ancient monuments are assembled in a Flickr photostream of the Swedish National Heritage Board.


  1. I live very close to the first photo. The area is spelled Herstadberg or Herstaberg, not Herrstaberg. I can't explain why there are two spellings of the area (which is today a small bedroom community of Norrköping). The older spelling of Herstadberg suddenly reappeared a few years back when new signs came up along the E4 highway.
    Sorry that my first post is about a spelling error! I absolutely love your website. It's usually the most fascinating thing I read all day.

  2. Sarah, I'm quite honestly delighted to receive information that corrects or improves upon material I've posted; such commens help make this a better blog.

    And in return... since you live in Sweden... and half of me comes from Norwegian heritage, I can't resist offering you this link --


  3. http://www.bocksaga.de/frameset_english.htm

  4. Ha ha! Very good. Being of 100% British blood I actually didn't fall for it ;-) I've lived in Sweden for almost 20 years and recently became a citizen so I am very aware of the Swedes vs. Norwegians mentality. It's all done in good fun these days (I imagine that wasn't the case 150 years ago or so) and I must say that I've never met a Norwegian I didn't like! The languages are quite similar but I still have a hard time understanding pure Norwegian when it's spoken. It's much easier to read. Danish is another story altogether. Totally impossible to understand! The Swedes like to say that the Danes sound like they are speaking with a hot potato in their mouth.
