19 December 2010

Sudanese woman publicly flogged

Some version of the disturbing clip, which seems to have been filmed with the knowledge of the officers, were reportedly removed from YouTube, but dozens of copies remain on the video-sharing site. One copy, which has been viewed nearly half a million times, was edited to add English subtitles, and some music. (Warning: the images in the video are graphic and may upset many viewers.)

As the [Reuters] explained, “Floggings carried out under Islamic law are almost a daily punishment in Sudan for crimes ranging from drinking alcohol to adultery. But vague laws on women’s dress and behavior are implemented inconsistently.”
Via The Lede at the NYT.


  1. And, yet, the religious right here in the U.S.A. are still dead set against separation of church and state. I guess that they want the U.S. to be just like Sudan and Saudi Arabia, et al.

  2. To anyone who thinks this is Islam - it isn't. As an agnostic who was raised Muslim, the absolute WORST things I read in the Quran was that if a wife disobeys her husband, he should beat her with a toothbrush (miswak - a pen-sized minty stick AKA the Arab equivalent of "a wet noodle"). Granted, that's terrible (like I said, its the worst thing I read), but it's more humiliating than painful.
    Hurting women for real is just as uncool in REAL Islam as "GOD HATES FAGS" is in REAL Christianity.

  3. @Anonymous--I guess that this video and others like it is just a figment of the camera's imagination. I guess that the time I was stopped in Saudi Arabia and forced to watch a man's hand being chopped off was a figment of my imagination, too. Furthermore, a GOD HATES FAGS sign is not a REAL punishment like the severe beating shown here. If a punishment is done in the name of Islam then it is Islamic whether it's in the Quran or not.

  4. There are many extremists who claim that they are acting in the name of their "God", but they are not. In any religion.

    Understanding the separation of church and state would help you to realize that what you are seeing in the video is a product of the 'state' - not the 'church'.

  5. That really didn't look that bad. I got the sense that both the whipping and the pleading were more of a show to satisfy the authorities.

  6. Bigjohn, the point is that without separation of church and state, there are quite a few members of the religious (Christian) right who would be more than happy to pass laws that gay people should be beaten.

  7. disgusting barbarians
    And pls don't blame "religion" for it, only one "religion" allows this sort of bullshit

  8. Anyone who doesn't think that Christianity can be at least as brutal as Islam is in severe need of a history lesson.
