16 October 2010

Jesse Ventura comments on the Tea Party and Sarah Palin

When asked about the Tea Party, Ventura said, “I’ll put it to you this way about the Tea Party: Anybody that would put Sarah Palin to the top of their list will never get me. She’s a quitter.” When asked if he was not a fan of Palin, because she quit, he answered, “You’re damn right. She quit in the middle of her term. That’s the contract you have with the voters.”

When asked if he thought she was qualified to be president, he said, “Well, I felt she was completely unqualified. I had more qualifications than she did. I had served as a mayor of a town [Brooklyn Park, Minn.] of 60,000 – hers [Wasilla, Alaska] was 10,000. I had served as governor for two years when everybody wanted me to run for president in 2000, and I said I’m not prepared to be the president. I haven’t even completed office as a governor yet. Now, she never completed her office as governor. She didn’t even get two years in hardly! And she quit to get money. Jesus, how do people not see that! She saw greener pastures, said, Screw the people of Alaska, and went on to collect.”

When asked if he would do an episode of show on her, he bluntly stated, “I wouldn’t waste my time.”


  1. Not a fan of Jesse, but he really hit the mark here. Her and her daughter just want fame, but lack talent/brains. Sarah is attractive physically.

  2. Out of the mouths of babes and wrestlers . . . !

  3. Jesse's right but it's not just her quitter qualifications, though she has plenty of that. It's also her lack of intelligence and critical thinking skills. She has none of those. There is no way a person of her limited ability to think and understand should lead a parade much less a nation.

  4. Wasn't Obama still a senator when he started up his Presidential Campaign? Didn't he quit as well? I'm just asking questions.

  5. He had served for 7 years in the Illinois senate, then US senate from 2005, only resigning once he was elected as President. Transitioning to a job in public office where you have more responsibility is not the same thing as quitting to go hunt polar bears and make money talking to dim, frustrated white people.

  6. John McCain has a lot to answer for. I will never forgive him for unleashing her on the world.

  7. Why hasn't the T-party embraced Jessey Venyura? Oh, because their corporate masters haven't given their approval.
