29 September 2010

Elipepsy... Clinc

Found today in the Madison yellow pages.


  1. Not sure what "Esophogeal" cancer is either.

  2. This is what I call the obvious result of our society's overreliance on spellcheck programs and lack of proofreaders. After a career in graphic design, I know many people who used to work as proofreaders; all of them were put out of work by the "desktop revolution". I'm no Luddite - there is no doubt that computers have revolutionized the way we live, largely for the better. What I regret, however, is the shocking dumbing-down and resultant illiteracy that has grown concomitantly with the usage of personal computers.
    I'm old enough to remember the head-shaking and dismay that greeted the widespread use of pocket calculators back in the 70s. Within a few short years, it seemed that a startling number of people were incapable of such a simple feat as adding a column of numbers, let alone multiplying anything or - horrors! - having to make change without a cash register telling them the amount. It now seems as if that innumeracy was merely a precursor to the sweeping semi-literacy currently plaguing our society. The more things change...

    1. I often find myself being asked to proofread people's work. Its amazing how great computerized spell-check can be, while still failing in the subtleties of the English language. There, their and they're are all correct. Executed and executive are both fine. These simple typos can easily fool the grammar check on most systems. It really is sad how many college essays I've corrected because of things like differentiating a plural from a possessive. Are there jobs for proofreaders anywhere? I love to read, and I often find errors in textbooks, newspapers, and most often, college essays.

    2. @Christopher Lindeman Sorry, but I can't resist... "IT'S amazing how great computerized spell check can be," not ITS.

      No offense intended, I merely delight in the irony. Cheers.
