14 July 2010

Mass hysteria

A phenomenon well documented as far back as the dancing manias of the Middle Ages, here illustrated by the audience's response to Pentecostal preacher Kenneth E. Hagin.


  1. I felt sad when I watched this. A lot of weak mindedness. I wonder, collectively, how much money was lost that night. Shame...

  2. They must be pumping NO2 into the air to get that kind of reaction. A room full of people getting dooped. How sad.

  3. It looks fake to me. Like maybe some of them are paid actors, to encourage hysteria, and more donations.

  4. Really, laphelan? You watch hundreds of people joyfully laughing and it makes you feel sad? That hints of a certain prejudice about they're beliefs.

    What matters the reason? For those moments they were ecstatic. And there is a dearth of that in the world. Which is why people of many types pay a lot of money for a lot of things just to get a glimpse of happy.

  5. I don't know about making me sad, but I definitely find this kind of thing unsettling.

    Otherwise normal people can be made to do some weird shit.

  6. Why don't these people just stay home, save their money and watch The Three Stooges?
