19 June 2010

Buxom pigeon

Here I display my ignorance re pigeons/birds.  Is this normal?  Genetically inbred aberrancy?  A posture for courting or threat display?  I think it reminds me of some unnamed Disney cartoon character.

Found at Planet Tampon, via.

Addendum: A hat tip to bunnits for identifying this as a Pouter pigeon showing its inflatable crop.


  1. It's a Pouter pigeon. Here's what Wikipedia has to say: "The Pouter pigeons are domesticated varieties of the Rock Pigeon, Columba livia, characterized by a very large, inflatable crop. They are kept as ornamental or fancy breeds, valued for their unusual appearance. There are many varieties of pouter with little in common except for the nature of the crop. The origin of the breed is unknown, but Pouters have been bred in Europe for at least 400 years."

  2. Perhaps that was the memory, but I think there have also been one or more female bird characters with similar poses.
