13 June 2010

And speaking of facial asymmetry...

As best I can tell, the photo above shows an intentional cosmetic enhancement, not a congenital defect.  Here's the relevant text:
what exactly is it? just a combo of circle lenses, and fake eyelashes or what?? i want some
 as far as i can tell, it’s circle lashes and falsies
it’s amazing what a little makeup can do, huh?
yea. Oh man i kinda want to try the circle lenses, even though theyre creepy 90% of the time and i hate wearing contacts cause i always get makeup in them. But having huge eyes like that would be cool...
So I'm assuming that the process would then be repeated on the left side to finish the modification of the face, not left asymmetric as a new Goth fashion...

Via No.

Addendum: A big hat tip to an anonymous commenter, who knew that "this was part of a taiwanese variety show where the objective was to show how plain a couple of internet models were before they applied makeup, and ended up being a competition for most dramatic difference." 

Here's a link to the YouTube video from which the above is a screencap.


  1. Aside from the circle lenses and the fake eyelashes, there's probably some double-eyelid tape and an unhealthy dose of liquid eyeliner. Eyes like that look great on camera but very very creepy in real life.

  2. um...i dont know if i would summarily label it as cosmetic "westernization" although the discrepancy IS kind of shocking. this was part of a taiwanese variety show where the objective was to show how plain a couple of internet models were before they applied makeup, and ended up being a competition for most dramatic difference. yes it involves a ridiculous amount of eyeliner, fake eyelashes and eyelid glue, but i'd caution against labeling it a "westernized" aesthetic since these girls don't consciously go in thinking they want to look white, and how internalized standards of beauty are is debatable. Segment of the show here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHhmtL01VgE&feature=related

  3. Thanks, anon. I reworded the text and added the link. Your comments make the post more useful.
