25 April 2010

Postmortem photo

We've discussed postmortem photos before. 

The original source may have been etsy, but I can't find it at that website now, via.

Addendum:  Several posts discussing postmortem photography are included at the Burns Archive.


  1. It seems so strange now to have a family photograph with a dead sibling/child. How cultural attitudes have changed.

  2. This comes from the era when a photo was a precious thing and families didn't have their own cameras. So when a child died I would presume the attitude was "better a postmortem photo than none at all" to remember him/her by.

  3. Just because the little one in front has her eyes closed doesn't mean that she's dead; it could just be that she's dead tired and asleep.

  4. I tend to think that it is not a postmortem. The mother appears to be quite comfortable. It seems to me that if it was a post mortem the child would have been posed by whatever means necessary to show it at it's best.

  5. the little girl in front i would say is dead , she is positioned un naturally , if i was to sit like this for even a second with that kind of tilt to my head and neck im in pain so this tells me the little girl is dead , look at the position of her , a child doesnt sit like that its un natural pose

  6. If your faith and belief in the afterlife is complete,death is only a transition of time befor unification,my comments may sound cold and flippant but the comfort it brough for her mother and family was hopefully immence,the differences it gave us today is life changing,through the evolution of grief, we eradicated pain,our pains today will cure tommorrow,we are all valued participents in a world full of life we take for granted.
