25 April 2010

Is this a real cemetery?

Everyone knows this iconic standoff scene from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.  I'm posting it to ask if anyone knows whether this is a real graveyard (Confederate or otherwise), or whether the whole magnificent site is just an imaginary film studio creation.

Addendum:  Hat tip to Mademoiselle Titam, who was the first to reply:
"It is not a real cemetary. The movie was shot in Spain, in the Almeria desert; 250 soldiers built the cemetery and its 10 000 tombes in 2 days (!!!)"
Second addendum: The location is here (found by Stray Snippets).


  1. It is not a real cemetary. The movie was shot in Spain, in the Almeria desert; 250 soldiers built the cemetery and it 10 000 tombes in 2 days (!!!)

  2. By the way, it has nothing to do with Hollywood ;-)

  3. Someone's marked the location (not quite with an X on a yellowing scrap of paper) where the cemetery scenes were shot. Here it is: http://wikimapia.org/6405468/sad-hill-cemetary
    I looked it up prompted by Mlle Titam's comment.

  4. Thank you so much! I've amended the Hollywood reference too (should have known better - typing too fast today).

  5. Sergio Leone (the director) cut this scene to fit with Ennio Morricone's music...quite unusual for a director to take this approach but shows how much regard the director had for the composer.

  6. The shooting took place at the feet of seawall impressive limestone rock that draws from Carazo in the middle of the river Arlanza (Burgos.

    The magnitude of the stage, an impressive natural amphitheater which simulated the graves of 6,000 people, it is still perfectly distinguishable.

    The access to the mock cemetery, later starting point of walk, can be done from Contreras. Near the church and the height of the old schools will open on the right, the dirt road linking this town with Santo Domingo de Silos.

    +Info and video: http://elzo-meridianos.blogspot.com/2008/05/regreso-sad-hill-el-cementerio-de-el.html

  7. If like me you love this film and perhaps visiting the actual film locations is a bit of a no no then watching this short vid may ease your pain somewhat...


