03 March 2010

Beer for baby

An old French advertisement indicates that "beer is nourishing" (this woman drinks beer/this one doesn't). 



  1. First thought: ugh! How horrible for the baby!

    Second thought: even though we live in a comparatively hypersexual society, this ad could not be run in America today. Germany, probably.

  2. It may or may not have been bad for baby, depending on the circumstances. In excess, certainly bad. But in an era when many women may have been malnourished, the calories in beer may have been useful, and there are suggestions that hops may increase lactation.

    I can't speak with any authority on this. Perhaps someone else knows.

  3. if i was a baby I'd drink me up some beer-milk

  4. I suppose as long as she waits till AFTER the bay was born... it might not be bad at all.

  5. My Mother was Cymro, and she swore by milk stout.

  6. That first baby has a tiny head, like a mini-adult, while the second one has a huge head, like a real baby.

    Also, most women would metabolize the alcohol in a single drink before it ever reached their breast milk - especially if they drink it as they nurse or immediately after. So it's like consuming bread. Very relaxing bread that makes you belch.

  7. The ad also has a double meaning:

    "This one drinks/that one doesn't drink" can also refer to the babies, as baby is a feminine noun in French.

  8. the same always used to be said about guiness, though nowadays pregnant women are advised not to drink the "black stuff". Nonetheless, guiness has be shown to be "good for you" and to reduce the risk of heart attacks (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/3266819.stm). though the same really cant be said about beer.
    also, just to say, the noun baby in french is masculine, not feminine (le bébé)

  9. I love this add and I'm going to have to share it.

    Actually, yes, beer has been proven to increase milk production and to help with the let-down reflex for breastfeeding moms. The alcohol is metabolized by the mother's body and almost none goes to the baby (think less than cough syrup). When new mothers are having difficulty nursing sometimes midwives, lactation consultant nurses and even doctors will recommend a beer before nursing to increase milk production and stimulate let-down plus the added benefit of helping mom relax. It is a win-win! But, like always, drink in moderation. Duh.
