01 February 2010

Full body scans now compulsory at Heathrow

No commentary from me.  Here's an excerpt from The Times:
Passengers using Heathrow and Manchester airports have been told that from today they will not be allowed to board their flights if they refuse to submit to full-body scans.

...an interim code of practice on the use of body scanners stipulated that passengers would not be selected “on the basis of personal characteristics”.

Alex Deane, a barrister and director of campaign group Big Brother Watch, said such measures meant “the terrorists have won”.

“People are understandably afraid of terrorism,” he said. “But we didn’t allow the IRA to impede our freedoms or change our way of life, and we shouldn’t change now either.
The photo is of a next-generation "millimeter scan," via Business Pundit.


  1. Oh, come on, the terrorists won nine years ago. Try to travel in this day and age. You, and everyone else, will be subjected to the most invasive and time consuming searches that can be concieved of by the mindless, power hungry, bureaucrats who are terrified by their imaginations and lack of logic. Sorry, but, I just can't go on...

  2. And I thought Heathrow was miserable enough as is. I really hope they don't do this to Frankfurt.

    Don't even get me started with flying to the States.

  3. I'm looking forward to the day when it's a compulsory anal probe.
