25 November 2009

Socotra "dragon trees"

Thoroughly surreal, and totally new to me. I even had to look up where Socotra was. Another tree shown here.

Photo credit to Edoardo Scepi, via Electric Orchids.


  1. Stan -

    A friend had sent me a PowerPoint slide show of Socotra.

    How would I upload that to you, to attach to this? It has some other cool plants, plus several of these.

    Please respond to puppet@mc.net.

  2. Stan -

    A friend had sent me a PowerPoint slide show of Socotra.

    How would I upload that to you, to attach to this? It has some other cool plants, plus several of these.

    Please respond to puppet@mc.net.

  3. Stan -

    A friend had sent me a PowerPoint slide show of Socotra.

    How would I upload that to you, to attach to this? It has some other cool plants, plus several of these.

    Please respond to puppet@mc.net.

  4. This google thing EVERY TIME tells me my sign in is wrong. And this time it said it didn't take it, and then look - THREE postings!


  5. @...TD - I'll pass on posting the PowerPoint presentation here because the dragon trees are just of passing interest, but thanks for the offer. If you post them on your blog, I'll add a link here.

    BTW Blogger seems to be having problems with the commenting function. I worked with a friend today who kept getting error messages while trying to log on via Google. I've temporarily disabled the requirement for signon until Google/Blogger get their bugs worked out.
