07 September 2009

"Water spouters"

"We ran across Winston, an amazing talent in a Liberian village we recently visited..."

"Hadji Ali, water spouter extraordinaire. He was one of the vaudeville headliners in both the emispheres in the 20s. This is the recording af his full act, as included in the Laurel and Hardy movie "Politiquerias", 1927...

Note: I was roundly castigated for not sufficiently warning people about a video last week. I consider these to be curiosities, but those with more delicate sensibilities might consider these "gross" and be offended. They depict people regurgitating water; one or both may have Chagas disease or other esophageal anomalies that allow such performances.

via Reddit.

1 comment:

  1. In your defense, you gave plenty of warning about the gruesomeness last week for anyone who can or who is willing to read. I knew, without question, that I was about to see a man torn in two before I watched the clip. I watched it anyway.

    I could watch only about half of it though because the guy was so pathetic. I doubt that he knew that he was cut in two, and, I also doubt that he felt much pain.

    If the follow up pictures would have been the same guy that would have been cool, but, the guy in therapy had some lower body remaining whereas the guy in the original clip was torn in two much higher up.

    As for the people spitting up water, some may consider it to be gross, but, these people are taking advantage of their abnormality to entertain and maybe make some money from it. Big deal. More power to them. I wouldn't drink their water though.
