02 September 2009

Triathlons for children are growing in popularity

... the Silicon Valley Kids Triathlon, one of the largest events of its kind, in which 850 children — ages 3 through 15 — swim, bike and run. For 11- and 12-year-olds like the van Diggelen children, the race involved swimming 200 yards (four laps in the pool), biking 6 miles, then running 1.25 miles (five laps around the track)...

Triathlons for children have become tremendously popular, drawing participants as young as 3 years old...

“I think kids’ triathlons could spread like wildfire — we’re on the brink of something big and extraordinary,” said Michelle Payette, the director of IronKids. “This is the new generation. We need to start them young and get them involved in the sport.”
More details at the New York Times. Offered without editorial comment by me.

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