03 September 2009

Plastic pink flamingoes voted official "city bird"

MADSION, Wis. -- At a busy Madison Common Council meeting Tuesday night, council members voted to make the plastic pink flamingo the official city bird. The new mascot was debated for five minutes, and then the Common Council voted 15-4 to make the plastic pink flamingo the official city bird, reported TV station WISC. The idea was sparked by a 1979 prank when pranksters on campus put out 1,008 of the birds.
The danger, of course, is that the city would then be susceptible to being ravaged by bird flu...

Via Arbroath, who consistently finds stuff in my own home town before I do...
Top photo credit to Michael Kienitz. Lower photo credit unknown.


  1. I've known about the "Great Madison Flamingo Migration" for years (as a family friend was in school there at the time). But in following the link and reading the book excerpt I learned that one of the minds behind the Pail & Shovel party was the creator of MST3K!

  2. Do they still call a certain building in town the Pi R Squared Building?

  3. Makes me damn proud to be a Madisonian
