28 September 2009

Irreconcilable differences



  1. Sigh...one side attaching political labels and principles to the Savior is just as annoying as another side doing it.

  2. Manspace, the political label "socialist" is about 1800 years younger than the practice, recorded in Acts, of the nascent Christian community sharing all their goods in common, to be redistributed by the apostles according to need. That was socialism, pure and simple.

    It doesn't matter if you agree or I agree, socialist experimentation was a part of Christianity from at least 100 years after the death of Jesus, if not earlier.

  3. Clint,

    You are absolutely right about the Biblical precedent, and I think such a world as they were trying to create would be a much better one than the one that we are in right now.

    What irritates me is that these teachings and principles from the New Testament are regularly invoked and exploited in support of coercive redistribution via powerful government cartels. Whether modern welfare states are good or bad is beside the point; the important point is that the two systems are radically different and (in my opinion) would lead to radically different worlds.

  4. Do they puke before or after they give up all their worldly possessions to follow Him?

  5. Manpace -

    You are absolutely correct.

    I love all these people who choose not to see the distinction between a small religious community CHOOSING to live a certain way versus a massive, out of control government DICTATING that we live a certain way . . .

  6. Deana- don't know if I was included in your comment... but I was referring to a MASSIVE religious community who so often conveniently disregards one of its own most sacred tenants- a religious community which makes up the preponderance of the Republican party.

  7. Stan B.

    How many of your worldly possessions did you give up?

  8. Anonymous person who requests information of others but cannot even divulge his or her own name-- Did I ever profess to being Christian?

  9. I shared some of my lunch with my wife the other day... me socialist now?
