25 September 2009


Click the photo to see the entire image, and then click it again to view as wallpaper.

We all see this every week - but not from this perspective. Looking at this abundance and variety has to give one pause...


  1. Where's Waldo?
    Spot the guy in glasses?

  2. When Cuban baseball player, Livan Hernandez, came to America for the first time, he supposedly broke out in tears when they took him to a supermarket.

    Ever notice that all those Cuban players show up weighing 160 pounds and end up well over 250 before their contracts are up?

  3. What's in the bottles next to the mustard (?) on the right?

  4. reminds me of a Harpers cover in my file of magazines to 'keep for ever' Great essay "The numbing of the American mind" http://www.harpers.org/archive/2002/04/0079134
    I liked the title and its play on Bloom's "Closing of the American Mind"
