22 September 2009

A cat video for the ailurophiles

Via everywhere; this isn't a TYWK...


  1. The kid is too little to understand not to kick the cat, but the parents should remove the cat. These people are complete morons.

  2. Interestingly they must have had similar comments because the comments are closed for this video only.

  3. Why couldn't the cat remove himself if it didn't like what was going on? It's not like they tied it down. The cat seems to enjoy the interaction.

  4. I agree with Weena. The cat knows it's a baby. We had a stray tom move in with us. When the baby was born, he adopted her. He would sleep in her crib, let her pull his fur, stand up on him, roll over him with her walker--anything she did was fine with him. We called him Grandpa.

  5. bahahahahaa!

    ...c'mon, give the cat a bit of credit! i'm sure it would promptly move if it wanted to!
