09 August 2009

Terrible misuse of "LOL"

The WSJ has an article on text-messaging shorthand - worth a quick review, especially for parents. The final example given is rather poignant:

The consequences of misunderstanding the lingo can be mortifying. Cassandra McSparin, 23, of Jim Thorpe, Pa., knew a woman whose friend’s mother had died. The woman texted her friend: “I’m so sorry to hear about your mother passing away. LOL. Let me know if there’s anything I can do.”

The woman thought LOL meant “Lots of love.

Via Archaeoblog.


  1. I used to think it meant Log Off Loser.

  2. According to this parody(?) Evangelical Christian site, it also means "Love Our Lord!": http://objectiveministries.org/kidz/crafts.html

  3. I'm with you an your major dislike of LOL. I also hate that abbreviation because I'm a serious person who doesn't like to laugh much, because many people use it too much, and because there are people who use it in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Another reason why I hate LOL is because there are people who use it some serious situations. Therefore, I want it gone forever.


    "This blog is for anti-LOL people. You and that abbreviation aren't allowed in it. So get out."


    "If that's a parody, then I loathe it. Besides, I'm a pretty serious person who likes other serious people and things."

  4. ???

    TYWKIWDBI isn't "for anti-LOL people."
