31 July 2009


More pix from the impressive set at Widelec.


  1. Hello

    I'm impressed.
    I've found your blog while I was surfing the net and I found it really interesting, so I continued reading the most of the entries you have.
    You talk about a lot of themes - very diferent one to each other, with a very special humor sense (sometimes) and quite rigorously all of them.
    The photos are still more surprising. Are them yours? In that case, congratulations. You are an artist in capital letters! :)


    PS: Sorry for my English, I'm catalan and this is not my language, so...

  2. Hola, Alex.

    Some of the photos are mine (the ones of butterflies and wildflowers and a few others), but most of them are ones I have found on the internet.

    I try always to give credit to the original photographer when I use someone else's photo.

    If you were referred to TYWKIWDBI by my cousin Karl(os) in Barcelona, please give him my greetings.


  3. Hi there just found your blog it's very interesting, funny and thought provoking. Hope it's ok if l use a couple of pics on my blog in the near future, l will certainly attribute. Thanks for sharing your take on the world.

  4. Help yourself to anything you find. There are about 9000 posts to explore. The "category" links in the right sidebar are a good tool to help you find material you're interested in.
