24 July 2009

A man is shocked, SHOCKED, that fast food has lots of sodium...

A New Jersey man has filed a class actio lawsuit against Denny's because he has discovered that their meals may contain excessive amounts of salt.
The lawsuit, filed with the support of the food advocacy group Center for Science in the Public Interest in Washington, seeks to compel Denny's to disclose on menus the amount of sodium in each of its meals and to place a notice on its menus warning about high sodium levels...

"I was astonished to find that these simple sandwiches have more salt than someone in my condition should have in a whole day," DeBenedetto said in a statement...

For example, Denny's Meat Lover's Scramble, which has two eggs with chopped bacon, diced ham, crumbled sausage, Cheddar cheese, plus two bacon strips, two sausage links, hash browns, and two pancakes has 5,690 mg sodium, Jacobson said.
Via Fark.


  1. I'm shocked I tell you, SHOCKED, that cigarettes are bad for you! And SHOCKED that showering with a plugged in hair dryer is DANGEROUS!

  2. I hear their coffee is quite warm as well.

  3. That is Kind of alot of sodium though. Almost ridiculous, but i suppose if someone is concerned about what they eat they should just ask of course. You cant sue the lake if you decide to not test the waters and just jump in and realize its freakin freezing.
