08 July 2009

Antipodal locations summarized on one global map

As a youngster I explored with a globe to see what place on earth was opposite Minnesota, and remember being disappointed to discover that it was a spot in a southern ocean. There are websites that let you do the same thing, but they are of modest usefulness because from the majority of starting locations, you end up in water.

It's a curious geographical phenomenon (and presumably just a coincidental occurrence) that land on one side of the globe is mirrored by ocean at its antipodal point. The illustration above, from the National Geographic, synthesizes the information into one map (click to enlarge).

Addendum: see the note in the comments re credit for a prior version of this.

1 comment:

  1. Wendy Carlos, among other things the composer of the film scores for CLOCKWORK ORANGE, TRON, and THE SHINING, did this in the late 70s or early 80s, as a pastime while recovering from an automobile accident.


    click to embiggen, of course.
