14 June 2009

"Solid Potato Salad"

The Ross Sisters singing and dancing in the MGM musical Broadway Rhythm in 1944. You need to watch beyond the first minute to see the contortions and sometimes impressive athleticism that mark this classic performance.

More info re the young ladies here.

Addendum: Lyrics for this piece (such as they are) are posted in the Comments section by soubriquet. I'll add a reminder that in the 1940s the term "solid" was a young hipster's term for "excellent" or something to that effect.


  1. Ehler-Danlos syndrome (hypermobility type)

    Effects 1 in 10,000 to 15,000 and is caused by an autosomal dominant mechanism. Mutations in either of two separate genes (which are also involved in Vascular EDS and Tenascin-X deficiency EDS, respectively) may lead to this variant. (Wikipedia)

  2. Wow, that's impressive, and yet... kind of disturbing to watch.

  3. always something interesting, I do enjoy your posts

  4. Some people like their taters Lyonnais, some prefer French fries.
    I prefer mine with mayonnaise, cole slaw on the side.

    Solid potato salad, that’s solid salad, Jack,
    Solid potato salad, boy, take a plate, fill it up, bring it right back.

    Solid potato salad, and let’s have no Yak Yak
    Solid potato salad, boy, take a plate, fill it up, bring it right back.

    The farmer said to the spud, your skin looks slightly pallid,
    So I’ll dig you later bud, with some solid …potato salad.

    Solid potato salad, that’s solid salad, Jack,
    Solid potato salad, boy, take a plate, fill it up, bring it right back.
    Take a plate, fill it up, bring it right back.
    Take a plate, fill it up, bring it right back.
    Take a plate, fill it up, bring it right back.
    Solid potato ….salad, it’ll be so fine that you better latch on,
    Solid potato ….salad, whatever it takes get a plate before it’s all gone

    The farmer said to the spud, your skin looks slightly pallid,
    So I’ll dig you later bud, with some solid …potato salad.

    Solid potato salad, that’s solid salad, Jack,
    Solid potato salad, boy, take a plate… fill it up…
    Take a plate, fill it up, and bring it right back.

  5. It's the groovy movie salad Jack!
