18 June 2009

2012 trailer


  1. Sorry, I couldn't watch that through to the end.

    That whole 2012 prophecy annoys the piss out of me. Right up there with the weekly Nostradamus Prophecies and other assorted idiocy you get from tabloids.

  2. Wasn't that supposed to happen 9 years ago? The CG looks a little dated as well...

  3. You know, after 9/11 I really thought it would be a very long time before there was another disaster movie featuring collapsing landmark buildings.

  4. I'm no believer in those world-ending prophecies, but I have to say this looks awesome. This kid in me that loved Independence Day and the adult in me that laughs when my 2 year old nephew likes to smash buildings made of toy blocks is totally ready for this. At least they make a point to trash more than just American landmarks.

    And anyway, isn't a huge Hollywood blockbuster about a dumb prophecy the biggest send up of those nuts imaginable? Remember - it's entertainment, not endorsement.

  5. Now this will be quite laughable when 2012 does roll around..
