24 May 2009

"Bet dieting"

An interesting concept for promoting weight loss.

Bet dieters join a website and make a commitment to lose a certain amount of weight over a defined period of time.

Then, if they fail to meet their targets, money is withdrawn from their account and paid to a charity of their choice...

Not only are people who sign up hit in the wallet if they fail, their friends can get to hear about it via a group e-mail...

That part seems fairly unexciting. Here's the good part...

The founders say a particularly effective way to encourage people to lose weight is to get them to nominate a charity with whose views they disagree to receive money should they fail...

"We chose some highly contentious issues, for instance global warming, abortion and gay marriage.

And then your friends get an email notifying them not only that you didn't lose weight, but that you just contributed money to an organization you hate. Fiendishly clever.

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