29 April 2009

On behalf of all Minnesotans...

... I would like to apologize to the world for Michele Bachmann. Her latest:
"I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out then under Democrat President Jimmy Carter. And I'm not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it is an interesting coincidence."
The president during that epidemic was Gerald Ford. I think the Democratic leadership must have made a decision not to vigorously challenge her last election so that she could stay in office as a recurring embarassment to the Republicans.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. (above) A prime example of why all Anonymous posters are a laughingstock

  3. I am just glad you aren't denying Gerald Ford's engineering of Watergate in order to oust Nixon and infect us all with swine flu... sneaky unelected mamma jamma

  4. First comment deleted for being an overgeneralized troll-type assertion.

  5. so looking forward to Sean Hannity's reaction...

  6. Apology accepted. After all, we gave the world Rick Santorum (for a while, anyway). Two idiots, one party. Interesting coincidence. Just sayin'

  7. yep - born and I guess bred- Carville was right and I live in the Alabama part. We went something like 65/30 for McCain. I don't know what happened to the other 5%.

  8. You can't speak for everyone in Minnesota.

  9. No, that's correct. Just for the rational, intelligent ones.

  10. As a Texan born and bred I would like to thank Minnesota for providing Bachmann as a welcome distraction from our own secessionist wingnuts. Keep her talking...

  11. As a Minnesotan, I also apologize.

    But if it hadn't been for this woman and her use of the term "Anti-American views" a while back, I may have never had the spark to learn about and discuss with my friends and family what a modern fascist is in American terms (an interesting topic regardless your feelings on Michelle Bachmann).

  12. hey but also...where is this quote from? Source?

  13. Here - take your pick of 20 sources...

    Google quote results for LiseAll you need to do is type some key words into Google...

  14. I thought I was THE anonymous? I mean I saw a long train and everything.
    But then oddly enough I guess being labeled a laughingstock in such general terms is something I can't take seriously anyway.

    Such is the nature of the blog comment section:)
    Although, at least since I have been reading, this seems to be the most comments you've got so far on one entry.
    Good job!

  15. The trouble with signing on as Anonymous is that it doesn't let you develop a "personality" or allow people to address you directly in a long thread.

    There's another way to leave anonymous comments but retain an identity - just log in using the "Name/URL" button instead of the "Anonymous" one and type in a name or pseudonym. Then skip the URL blank to stay truly anonymous.

    I cut identifiable people a little more slack re retaining comments than I do for the Anonymous ones, which people often hide behind while slinging slander and insults.

  16. The Name/URL button doesn't always work, and I end up being anonymous. It is never my intention.

  17. Just when some of us lamented the exit of Florida's Kathrine Harris we Minnesotans (6th district anyway) couldn't stand idly by and deprive the rationals someone spice up the wingnut sphere. I'm inclined to agree with MNStan that the Dems didn't gun for it too hard when they got behind her last opponent: Elwyn Tinklinberg.
