30 March 2009

Time-lapse camera for the garden enthusiast

A simple, weatherproof camera designed for the garden or wildlife enthusiast. It can be programmed to take photos at variable intervals for the creation of time-lapse movie files.

It can focus as close as 20″ away to illustrate petal growth or, with its wide 54″ field of view, it can capture perennials as they grow to conceal your spent spring bulb foliage. The camera takes a picture at one of six pre-determined intervals (five seconds to 24 hours) and combines them into a single 1280 x 1024 resolution AVI movie file for easy playback on a computer. It has a light sensor that turns off the camera at dusk and back on at dawn, allowing for continued video capture each day. Movies are timestamped and stored on the camera’s removable 2GB USB flash drive, which can take up to 18,000 pictures.

Link - via gizmodo

Addendum: The link above goes to the retailer Hammacher Schlemmer. Here's a better link to the manufacturer - Brinno. Their link has extensive technical details and some sample videos.


  1. Went to the manufacturer's web site, but found no price posted anywhere for this gizmo. Looks great, but it sure would be nice if there was a price on the site. Great ideas . . not so great marketing?

  2. They may only sell through retailers, who would set the price for individual countries or regions. It's about $160 via Hammacher Schlemmer.

  3. Hi Stan, This is Dave D from club,
    I just ordered the camera total cost =182.90 w/shipping. It is cheeper at Amazon listing 134 but they are not stocked as of today. I plan to watch crystals grow!!
