15 March 2009

Sunday smörgåsbord

A boy and his ex-Marine grandfather signed up for a gun safety course required before getting a hunting license. The instructor for the class asked if anyone in the room had voted for Obama. When the grandfather raised his hand, the instructor said Obama was “the next thing to the Anti-Christ” and ordered the man and his son from the room. When Reddy refused, Wolf said he would not teach “liberals” and would cancel the course if Reddy didn’t leave. (via J-Walk)

There are now one million names on the Terrorist Watch List. For some inexplicable reason, killing suspected terrorists does not seem to decrease the number on the list.

This week everyone blogged about the "Sausage Pony" and why Brits were calling emergency 999 numbers to try to save it from sinking in the mud.

Salt is claimed to be a "mood-booster" and a "natural antidepressant." However, authorities are warning that the craving for salt can become an addiction, and may involve the same brain pathways as those involved in drug addiction. I think that now finishes my list of the basic food groups - salt, sugar, nicotine, alcohol, grease, caffeine - all harmful and addictive. I'm doomed.

The staff and patrons at a British pub began developing severe cases of sunburn. The manager had inadvertently replaced the regular light bulbs with high-powered ultraviolet bulbs from a tanning machine. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents said they had never encountered such a case before.

In this YouTube video, Ron Paul briefly debates Stephen Baldwin regarding public policy on marijuana. Congressman Paul wants marijuana to be decriminalized.

A better video (frankly) is this one showing a pair of conjoined crocodiles. They are currently being hand-fed and seem to be thriving. Despite the politically correct talk about separating the animals when they are older, one can't help but believe that the commercial site that owns them will keep them just the way they are. I, for one, welcome the arrival of our new two-headed crocodile masters.

Apparently "Detergent Suicide" is a new fad. It involves mixing household products inside a closed car to generate copious quantities of hydrogen sulfide, which can be lethal when inhaled since it interferes with oxygen transport. H2S is the gas which gives rotten eggs and volcanic vents their characteristically foul odor. One would think this to be a remarkably unpleasant way to die.

Remember the stone fishing weirs in the Penghu archipelago? Aerial photography has revealed the presence of huge ones in estuaries on the coast of Wales. These could only have functioned when sea levels were lower, and thus are estimated to be a thousand years old.

The significance of that sentence is explained at Futility Closet.

“Basically, this thing came up for air and got a lung full of hot glass shards,” Martin said. “And as it started to sink, choking, it got rolled in a giant wave. A tsunami, if you will, that swept across the seaway all the way from the impact crater in Iowa. Pretty much the most catastrophic day you could have.” (explained at the link)

The Quiverfull movement has gained popularity in recent years, but a young Midwestern mother explains why she left.

Are you a recessionista? Do you know what one is? It's the new word for the hot new trend. There is even a Recessionista blog.

This past week at a public event at the University of Minnesota, investigative reporter Seymour Hersch just casually happened to mention that the U.S. has been engaging in domestic spying and maintaining an "executive assassination ring." "Under President Bush’s authority, they’ve been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving. That’s been going on, in the name of all of us." A CIA spokesman has referred to Hersch' comments as "utter nonsense" (seemingly in regard to the domestic spying rather than to the assassinating, however).

I don't want to end on that gloomy note. Instead, take a look at this photoset of the hiking trail at Mt. Haushan.


  1. Nice how you slip a Racist Ron Paul post into a smorgasbord so he won't get any bad comments. Why don't you post some of his old newsletters?

  2. Thanks for mentioning The Recessionista Blog.

  3. H2S paralyzes the diaphragm at high concentrations. Most people never know that they are poisoned since the same high levels of H2S also desensitize the nose. Supposedly, it's painless. I don't intend to find out myself.
