18 March 2009

Quote of the day re the Right to Bare Arms

"Let’s face it: The only bracing symbol of American strength right now is the image of Michelle Obama’s sculpted biceps. Her husband urges bold action, but it is Michelle who looks as though she could easily wind up and punch out Rush Limbaugh, Bernie Madoff and all the corporate creeps who ripped off America."

1 comment:

  1. What a ridiculously stupid comment. Maureen Dowd deserves nothing but derision for this bit of Main Street Media trash.

    Frankly, placing Rush Limbaugh in with Madoff and the other "corporate creeps who ripped off America" shows that political bias is more important that actual facts.

    And why are we STILL going on about what Michelle wears? I thought we kind of all agreed that it wasn't an issue?
