28 January 2009

Body modification...

...is something I truly don't understand. Image found here.

Addendum: credit to Monique for adding this link on eyebrow removal in the comments section.


  1. I'm not sure Body Modification is really the way to describe this. Maybe self-mutilation?

    I admit I don't have a problem with ear piercings or belly rings (on women at least), but I suspect that's because of my cultural brainwashing. But go any farther and you start looking like a hardware store. Yuck.

    But hey, it's your body right?

  2. I just found these awful pictures of an eyebrow removal (scarification by cutting off skin - who knew there was such a thing?) and immediately thought of this post. Probably no one is going to look at the comments now that the post is older, but here is link anyway. NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART. I almost lost my lunch looking at this and I didn't even eat lunch.

  3. this is something that makes me scare because nobody knows what iis gonna happen later with the body of the people... hope nothing bad happen to this person lol.

  4. This is a tad bit extreme, but I myself am into body modification.. In my eyes, its a thing of beauty and self expression. My ears are 1" 1/2 big. I have my nose, and lip pierced, i place to get the bridge of my nose pierced as well.. It makes me feel good about myself and the way I look.
    I don't really think it has anything to do with a cultural brainwashing. IMO today society has been brainwashed with the idea of what is "normal" and what things should be. In all honesty, people should be able to do what they want and what makes them happy without being looked at as a freak.

  5. I have done my own piercing of ears about 20 times each & nose a few times & nipple and even belly and cheek but, that is way much. That there is to the point of serious mutilation. My arm was cut to the bone and it did bleed major about killing me perment if not for medics bring me back. That piercing there looks like it could have went way wrong.
    guessing they are not into skating or extreme sports or they would have real problems landing.

  6. i have 4 facial piercings and 4 in my ears. im all for self expression. but WHY! why would you do this? to each their own i suppose. but ouch.

  7. Can it possibly be put just trought the muscle ? --' grose

  8. to those whom can seem to understand why this person has done this and expecially to those with mods still wondering. why the fuck do you do the things you do. because you enjoy them. why would anyyone stretch their ears. huh? its a body part too why is this any different? its not abnormal. its beautiful. everyone being the same is whats disgusting. the question is not why would anyone do this, the question is why the fuck do people strive to be the same so called "normal"?

  9. This is so stupid that I feel sorry for this person for self-harming themselves. Having individuality is false because you need 'normal' people to say you are. But seriously, what self expression is this?? the traditional tattoo is an option worth considering

    p.s- have fun finding work...hahaha

  10. most of you are idiots you don't understand body modification so don't comment it don't matter what you think its what the person thinks all body modding is, is making your body something your comfortable with so who are all of you to judge...

  11. I'd modify my body but just to make it better, i.e. RFID tags, night vision, human interface devices, wifi, usb :D
    But this technology is under development, I'll have wait.

  12. Making your body something you are comfortable with?
    Bit extreme.... I don't know about anyone else but I find being in pain as something comfortable.
    What happens if this becomes infected or septic, as piercings on a much smaller scale so often easily become?

  13. k obviously none of you know what you are talking about.
    this guy has had this piercing for years, and its been stretched up from a regular piercing quite slowly and carefully. he has no discomfort or ill effects whatsoever from it, and he actually suspends his entire body from it at times. pretty sure if he can dangle his whole body from it then it is not in any pain or having a negative impact on his life whatsoever. damn you people are dumbasses.

  14. If he wanted this done, all the best to him.
    Ive seen this sort of thing done with a Nail Gun. I would be happy help anyone get started.

  15. Just because others don't like it doesn't mean it is self mutilation or self harming. Body modification is a person's choice, one which other people don't have to take. So how about less judgement and policing of other people's bodies and more focusing on your own lives.

  16. Also for the anon who said that no one knows what's going to happen later on in life to a person's body that is modified. The people who do the body modifications are trained professionals who obviously know the risks and aftercare procedures, they aren't backyard body piercers.
