09 August 2021

"It's a big club, and you ain't in it"

You either like George Carlin or hate him. If the former, you have probably already heard this rant. If you're in the latter category, you don't want to hear it.

In this performance he addresses the problem of public education. It's only a 3-minute excerpt from a longer stage presentation. There's a bit of profanity, but unlike the performances he gave when he was younger, the profanity isn't the point; now it's just used for emphasis. The focus here is broader (and more controversial).

[I originally wrote this post in 2008, but discovered today that the video link there was broken, so I've embedded a new version.  Note this presentation was done years before the Bailout and the economic downturn].

Reposted from 2011 because this video needs to be viewed more often.  Send it to your friends.


  1. I'm of the former =D

    Love this man, hadn't seen this rant, thank you Stan!

  2. Just to show you the contempt the ruling elite has for ordinary Americans, one of them ( http://money.msn.com/saving-money-tips/post.aspx?post=00000065-0000-0000-12ba-130000000000&_blg=327 ) actually tells you how it works figuring that you're too drugged with consumerism to do anything about it.

  3. I do soooo miss this man. He had just a wonderful way of putting things into perspective. As you can tell, I too am of the former.

  4. Thank you. It's like my dad trying to tell me what's what before I was ready to believe him.

  5. We have numbers of another kind on our side. When are we going to DO something about it?

  6. The truth the truth is a fire we don't need no water let this mother F-er burn.

    I wish he had been doing these bits on the political stage, I would have voted for him. George Carlin was a man that saw things the way they are, and saw humor where most see despair.

  7. In the 60's and 70's I thought everyone knew this except my parents, but I was wrong.
    There were lots of people ranging from starry-eyed idealists to I-only-care-about-mes who didn't have a clue. When I found out I kind of envied them as knowing the truth hurts.

  8. George was really good at pointing out many truths like this.

  9. If anything, his speech is Trump's!

    But current MAGA voters -- trying to kill the republic -- totally defeats his conspiratorial premise. Big Business is being killed by MAGA fools.

  10. George Carlin was very perceptive. What he says here is pretty much true for most of the developed world.

  11. Looks like the politicians have fixed Oregon's education: No longer do you need to be able to read or do math to graduate.
