24 December 2008

Booktown in Fjaerland, Norway

Today I encountered a brief blurb about the "Book Town" of Fjaerland, Norway. In the summer the town's abandoned buildings are filled with books, and visitors can choose what they want, decide what it's worth, and leave money in a box in the building.

I love books, but what really interested me was the reminder of Fjaerland. This tiny town is at the head of the Fjaerland Fjord (a branch of the Sognefjord), where an arm of the immense Jostedalsbreen glacier comes down the valley. On the western bank of the fjord is Distad, a hamlet - really just a cluster of farms - which includes the farm from which my ancestors emigrated to the United States.

I'll revisit this topic occasionally in the future. For now those eager for a sneak peek can visit the Fjaerland website.

(credit for the books photo here)

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