19 November 2008

The first TYWKIWDBI presidential preference poll...

... is now deleted from the right sidebar, but I'll store the data here for future reference. In answer to the query "Whom will you vote for on Tuesday," the replies were:
  • McCain/Palin 17
  • Obama/Biden 50
  • Third party or other 7
  • Won't vote - don't care 5
  • Can't vote - too young etc. 3
  • Non-U.S. but favor McCain 2
  • Non-U.S. but favor Obama 18
With the small sample size it's not surprising that the percentages vary from the national results. I was a little surprised by the relative strength of the "third party/other" choice, which may mean there's a cadre of fellow Ron Paul supporters still lurking about. I was pleased that there is at least a modicum of breadth of opinion among TYWKIWDBI readers; I consider myself centrist, but during this past highly political year it was hard not to take a stand on various candidates (I'm not done with Sarah Palin yet), so I may have temporarily alienated some newcoming visitors from the dextrous side. Whatever. Life goes on.

Polls are interesting tools to use in a blog in terms of gauging the demographics or opinions of the visitors, but I don't plan to use them frequently since I don't intend to tailor TYWKIWDBI to any particular audience. This blog will be reaching its one-year anniversary next month; I'll have to figure out some sort of celebratory commemoration to post for that event. Or not.

1 comment:

  1. WIN! This poll is the first one I've ever seen that had a 'can't vote/too young' option. Too often people act as though kids don't matter or think because they have no power--thanks for being the exception.
