01 October 2008

Hundreds of billions of bailout $$ to foreigners

Not just billions. HUNDREDS of billions. Here's a partial transcript of the CNBC discussion, which can be viewed at this YouTube link:

Larry Kudlow:

Let me just ask you one question. I think you are referring to foreign banks headquartered in the United States. I do not see how foreign investors get bailed out.

Rep. Brad Sherman:

Larry you have to read the bill. It's very clear. The Bank of Shanghai can transfer all of its toxic assets to the Bank of Shanghai of Los Angeles which can then sell them the next day to the Treasury. I had a provision to say if it wasn't owned by an American entity even a subsidiary, but at least an entity in the US, the Treasury can't buy it. It was rejected.

The bill is very clear. Assets now held in China and London can be sold to US entities on Monday and then sold to the Treasury on Tuesday. Paulson has made it clear he will recommend a veto of any bill that contained a clear provision that said if Americans did not own the asset on September 20th that it can't be sold to the Treasury.

Hundreds of billions of dollars are going to bail out foreign investors. They know it, they demanded it and the bill has been carefully written to make sure that can happen.

And here is the wording of the bill:
5 The Secretary shall coordinate, as appropriate, with
6 foreign financial authorities and central banks to work to
7ward the establishment of similar programs by such au
8thorities and central banks. To the extent that such for
9eign financial authorities or banks hold troubled assets as
10 a result of extending financing to financial institutions
11 that have failed or defaulted on such financing, such trou
12bled assets qualify for purchase
under section 101.

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