01 July 2008

A different kind of foreclosure horror story

The banking company J.P. Morgan Chase hires a firm to drill out the locks and empty the contents of a "foreclosed" house. However.... all the contents in the house belonged to the new owners who had completed the paperwork and purchased the house. None of the house contents have been recovered.

Found at Reddit, where there's a fascinating thread discussing the story, including these comments re a similar events:

"Two guys, early 20's, supposedly have papers from Countrywide to clean out the house. What they actually did was punch holes in the walls, tear up carpets, removed half my pool table, drained the pool which cracked, took the stove, cook top, dishwasher, plugged up the toilets with shit and newspaper, broke windows, cracked tiles, etc... etc...

The investigation revealed that Countrywide would hire local gangs to trash houses they knew were going into default so they could re-purchase them at public auction much cheaper. Countrywide would then finance the renovation and re-market the houses with the local thug getting a big chunk of cash and anything they could sell from the pilferage..."

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