15 July 2008

Chess records

Those who actively play chess, or at least have some familiarity with the game, might be interested in a website devoted to chess records. Listed there, with details, are such records as the longest game (269 moves, 20+ hours), shortest game (3 moves), most queens in endgame (after promotions - 5), greatest "Black Hole" (flurry of captures on a single square - 15! - not surprisingly on d5).

There's also a record for greatest number of castlings, listed as three! Wiki confirms that the third castling was illegal. Re castling there is also the unexpected rule that the king and castle must be on the same rank; the reason for this is that prior to this rule being instituted in 1973 it was theoretically possible to "castle vertically" using a pawn at e8 promoted to a rook, which would then technically have "never moved!"

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