15 July 2008

Arctic seabed "afire" with lava-spewing volcanoes

"Explosive volatile discharge has clearly been a widespread, and ongoing, process," according to an international team that sent unmanned probes to the strange fiery world beneath the Arctic ice.

They returned with images and data showing that red-hot magma has been rising from deep inside the earth and blown the tops off dozens of submarine volcanoes, four kilometres below the ice. "Jets or fountains of material were probably blasted one, maybe even two, kilometres up into the water..."

The scientists say the heat released by the explosions is not contributing to the melting of the Arctic ice, but Sohn says the huge volumes of CO2 gas that belched out of the undersea volcanoes likely contributed to rising concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere...

"I had the impression this whole central volcano area was oozing warm fluid," says Henrietta Edmonds of the University of Texas, who was on the expedition tracking the plumes of warm waters rising from the spreading ridge. She says they point to the presence of "gushing black smokers" as well as microbial and other forms of life that can thrive in scalding, mineral-rich waters that percolates out of spreading ridges..."

...but this is not contributing to melting the Arctic ice???


  1. Of course not - that would offer an explanation of diminishing arctic ice that does not conform to global warming hype.

  2. of course it's not! That doesn't allow finger pointing to the evil stupidity and reckless disregard of humans! If it's not our fault, it's not real. EVERYone knows that!

    /sarcasm off
