01 June 2008

"Frozen" at the University of Minnesota

A form of street theater. The best I've seen was done at Grand Central Station in New York; I'll try to find that and blog it later. For now, here's the Minnesota version.


  1. That was ... COOL!

    I searched for the Grand Central Station freeze - there's a version here:


    I liked the Minnesotan one just as well. That was perhaps more challenging due to exposure to the elements... How cold does it get brrrrr ...

  2. Thanks Mieke. I also found a "freeze" in Trafalgar Square. Prob will blog the NYC one, which has better backup documentation.

    Re the temperatures in Minnesota - it does get bitterly cold. I've been out in temps -30 to -40 Fahrenheit (the latter would be -40 Celsius). But the event filmed looks like it was a "balmy" winter day, prob with temps up near 25-30 above zero, suitable for light jackets and not even causing exhaled breath to be visible. Not unpleasant at all - sunny and no wind.
