22 April 2008

Hillary shows her credentials for the presidency

After spending six months trying to scare the American people into voting for her, Mrs. Clinton has now exceeded even Rudy Giuliani's fearmongering that I blogged months ago. Yesterday, as the BBC reports, she "was asked how she would respond if Iran launched a nuclear attack on Israel. She replied that: "If I'm the president, we will attack Iran... we would be able to totally obliterate them."

She probably should have said "we will wipe them off the map." That would have been a more telling geopolitical metaphor.

So, she has the fear-mongering and the saber-rattling down pat. More importantly, her financial acumen fits well with a presidential profile. As CNN reports,
"Clinton began April in debt, according to financial reports filed over the weekend with the Federal Election Commission. She had about $32 million cash on hand, but only $9 million of that total represents funds that can be spent in the primary races... The reports also showed Clinton owes more than $10 million, meaning she was in the red even before stepping up TV advertising... "The numbers are what they are," Clinton adviser Howard Wolfson said on a conference call with reporters.... "We will of course be honoring the debt in the coming weeks and months."
Operate in the debt mode and plan to pay it off with future profits. Sound like the American economy for the past decade... Scary.

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