22 April 2008

Beneath contempt

In the first place, this particular slander is months old. The Obama/Osama similarity has been exploited even by mainstream media, but that subsided long ago. Secondly, churches retain their tax-exempt status only by remaining outside the realm of politics; if they try to influence voters their income can be taxed. The pastor of this Tennessee church claims
"the sign is not meant to be racial or political but rather to make people think. "His name is so close to Osama I have a feeling he might be Islamic therefore he doesn't recognize Christ.
It's not meant to be political?? I'm too polite to use the word "bullshit" in the description of a church sign, so instead I'll just refer to the church sign in the blog entry below this one.

Oh, and one final note. It's not just the pastor who is wandering in darkness:
"Pastor Byrd told News Channel 7 he would ask his congregation to vote on whether to keep the sign. They voted unanimously to keep the sign up Sunday night. Jonesville Church of God does not have any African American members."
Why does the last comment not surprise me?

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