10 August 2011

The Mother of all Rants

I'm not an angry person, but when I do write a blog entry "ranting" about some perceived injustice or incompetence, I am always reminded of the archetypal rant by Peter Finch in the movie Network (a performance for which he won the Academy Award for best actor). It's amazing to realize that the movie came out 30 years ago.

The segment embedded here is the shortest one I could locate on YouTube. I suspect with the way the U.S. economy and world geopolitics are going, this classic movie scene may be more relevant in the coming year.

Addendum:  Originally posted in January of 2008.  Reposted now to pair up with the Dylan Ratigan rant above.

1 comment:

  1. Synchronicity!

    For the past few weeks there is a large protest against the government. Look up "Israel tents protest".

    In two weeks we will try to make a world record by asking thousands of people to shout "I have had enough! I am awake! I demand social justice!" and make a video clip.

    The inspiration was this scene from Network.
